
Create your Google review link

With our easy-to-use and free QR code generator for Google reviews, you can create a QR code and link for your customers to review you in no time.

Here's how it works:
  • 1
    Type in your company name.
  • 2
    Get your QR code for Google reviews.
  • 3
    Share your link or code wherever you have contact with your customers.
Your personal Google review link

Create and send review links. Get new Google reviews without the effort.

5000+ companies already trust us
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WhatsApp QR code & link generator

What is a Google review link? - illustration

What is a Google review link?

With the Google QR Code Generator you can create a link for your Google reviews. Via the Google review link, customers land directly on the review page in your Google listing and can rate you with one click.

Why should you use a QR code? - illustration

Why should you use a QR code?

Reviews are very important for your Google ranking. The Google Reviews QR code makes it easy for your customers to leave a Google review. This will recommend your Google Maps listing to several interested parties.

Frequently asked questions

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