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Rahmer Dienstleistungen built its second largest recruiting funnel in just a few months with the help of Superchat.

Recruiting cleaning staff and housekeepers for the hospitality, facility and industrial cleaning sectors is one of Rahmer's core business activities. Superchat offers the company a comprehensive solution for the entire recruiting journey.
  • 08/01/2023
  • 3 min reading time
Rahmer Dienstleistungen Case Study Hero

The Rahmer Group offers services for hotel, building and industrial cleaning, among others. The recruitment and placement of cleaners and housekeepers are among the company's key tasks.

The target group in terms of potential personnel is international and generally demographically broad. Rahmer recruits cleaners throughout Europe.

How Rahmer services benefit from Superchat

  • Implementation of a messaging workflow for recruiting with a conversion rate of 11%.
  • GDPR-compliant communication with own applicants.
  • Bundling of different communication channels such as WhatsApp Business and Facebook.

Why did Rahmer choose Superchat?

Recruiting processes should be as simple as possible for applicants to the Rahmer Group. However, candidates often overlook documents such as the resume.

Inconvenient forms and a multitude of required paperwork are therefore a hindrance to successful recruiting, and the best possible experience for their own applicants.

With Superchat and WhatsApp Business, the company offers its candidates a straightforward communication channel, while giving its own recruiters a tool to successfully qualify and hire prospects.

Beyond that, the following points convinced Rahmer of Superchat:

  • Combining various communication channels such as Facebook and WhatsApp into one universal inbox.
  • Price-performance ratio in direct comparison with Superchat's market competitors

How Rahmer uses Superchat and Click-to-Chat ads for recruiting

For the successful recruitment of individuals, Rahmer relies on so-called click-to-chat ads, which are primarily placed on Facebook.

Different ads are used for this purpose. Differentiation is made according to city, job offered and the respective language (German, English and Romanian).

Such ads appear in the feed of the target group. If interested parties click on the ad, they are forwarded directly to the WhatsApp chat with a recruiter.

Good to know 💡

Currently, a total of four HR managers use Superchat. In addition to the recruitment process, general questions on the subject of job applications are also dealt with via Superchat.

Implementation of the messaging workflow

Rahmer uses a simple, yet highly effective messaging workflow to qualify prospects and schedule interview appointments. This messaging cadence is made up of four components:

Introduction Prospects who are drawn into the chat can easily get in touch with Rahmer via a predefined message. ("Hey I saw your ad about Job X and want to learn more!").

Qualification message 1 In the first message from Rahmer, recruiters ask which city the prospect wants to work in. At the same time, a list of locations where each job is offered is sent.

Qualification message 2 In the second message, recruiters clarify whether the person has valid documents, such as a work permit, and whether the person wants to work full or part time.

If the candidate meets the requirements set up to this point, he or she is added to the applicant management system and included as an applicant in the success measurement.

Scheduling an appointment In the final step, recruiters send out an invitation for an interview appointment. These usually take place directly at the respective company customer of Rahmer and accordingly include individual information regarding location and time.

The use of WhatsApp templates

For messages within the described messaging workflow, Rahmer uses WhatsApp templates. These templates are ready-made messages that recruiters can send. In addition to a lower workload, these templates have the following benefits:

  • Companies can initially and proactively reach out to contacts without the need for clients to have contacted them beforehand. The important thing here is that your contacts have given their consent or opt-in to be contacted.
  • WhatsApp provides a 24-hour window in which companies can reply to a person. If your company does not manage to reply within this time window and you do not receive any further message, you can resume communication exclusively with a WhatsApp template.
  • Such templates must be approved by WhatsApp to avoid spam. Via Superchat, you can upload templates in a straightforward manner and have them checked.

Superchat becomes the second largest recruiting funnel within 5 months

Rahmer has been using Superchat since mid-April 2022. Those responsible are satisfied with the result after just under 5 months of use:

WhatsApp Business and the associated click-to-chat ads on Facebook currently represent the second largest recruiting funnel for us. We have been able to generate over 400 qualified applicants since the implementation of Superchat's messaging platform. At the same time, we achieve a conversion rate of 11% on actual hires.
Bruno Guggenberger Case Study Rahmer Dienstleistungen
Bruno Guggenberger, Project Manager Business Development

In addition to using Superchat for recruiting, there are plans to expand the messaging platform to other areas of the company. Sales and customer support are of particular interest to Rahmer.

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Fabian Rabenalt
Fabian Rabenalt
Marketing Manager, Superchat
Fabian is Marketing Manager at Superchat. His main topics include B2B marketing and corporate communications.
Contact Fabian Rabenalt