How modern customer communication strategies offer local insurance offices a competitive advantage

Competition for customers in the insurance industry: The insurance industry is undergoing profound change. Neo-insurers and online portals are gaining market share with digital offerings. However, local insurance offices have an important advantage: customer communication. They utilise personal and modern communication strategies. This allows them to get closer to their customers. This allows them to build long-term relationships and win back dissatisfied customers. But how exactly does this work and what measures are necessary?
  • Lara Dogan
  • 10/2/2024
  • 5 min reading time

Introduction: Competition for customers in the insurance industry

The insurance industry is undergoing profound change. Neo-insurers and online portals are gaining market share with digital offerings. However, local insurance offices have an important advantage: customer communication. They utilise personal and modern communication strategies. This allows them to get closer to their customers. This allows them to build long-term relationships and win back dissatisfied customers. This is how they build long-term relationships and win back dissatisfied customers. But how exactly does this work and what measures are necessary?

The competition: local insurance agencies versus neo-insurers and online portals. Neo-insurers and online portals have grown in recent years. They offer simple and fast quotes. As a result, they have become strong competitors. They score points above all with digital solutions that enable customers to make quick comparisons and take out policies. However, they often lack the personalised approach that local insurance agencies can establish through their direct communication and personal contact. This personalised approach plays an important role in establishing long-term relationships with customers and retaining them in the long term.

The advantage of personal communication

The biggest advantage of local insurance agencies is the personal communication with customers. Online portals mainly use automated processes. Insurance agents, on the other hand, offer personalised advice. This advice is tailored to the specific needs of the customer. This communication with customers is often the main reason why many policyholders choose a local provider.

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Modern customer communication as the key to success

The digital transformation requires local insurance offices to adapt their customer communication. Today's customers want modern channels and quick responses. Insurance agencies that successfully integrate modern communication strategies can hold their own against neo-insurers and online portals.

WhatsApp, email and co:

Digital dialogue via WhatsApp has established itself as a very effective communication channel. Younger target groups in particular appreciate this messenger as a quick and uncomplicated way to clarify questions about insurance or exchange documents. Emails are also still an important channel, especially for more detailed information or legally relevant communication. It is important that customer loyalty measures are integrated into these communication channels - for example through regular newsletters or personalised messages. This form of communication also allows insurance companies to quickly reach dissatisfied customers and address their concerns in a targeted manner.

WhatsApp has established itself as one of the most effective communication channels, especially for quick and uncomplicated enquiries. Many teams prioritise WhatsApp messages in their day-to-day business, as response times are significantly shorter than with email. Customer messages via WhatsApp are answered in 18.2 minutes on average, while the response time for emails is 45.2 minutes. This shows that insurance offices that use WhatsApp can respond more quickly to customer enquiries and thus increase customer satisfaction. The personalised approach via WhatsApp plays an important role in customer loyalty and helps to establish long-term relationships.

In addition, WhatsApp already offers the option of making calls via the business app. A look into the future shows that the WhatsApp calling function will soon also be available via the API, making the channel even more versatile. This function could be interesting for insurance offices. It offers an easy way to communicate quickly with customers. This can be done without having to switch apps. By integrating these features at an early stage, local insurance agencies can further optimise their communication strategy and prepare for future developments now.


Video calls and virtual counselling

Another trend in customer communication is virtual advice via video call. This enables insurance offices to maintain personal contact despite physical distance. Customers can also be advised flexibly from home, which is particularly appreciated in times of remote working. Video calls offer the opportunity to explain complex topics such as insurance conditions or pension contracts clearly and with visual support. This form of advice also helps to build long-term relationships with customers and win new customers.

Customer loyalty measures:

The key to loyalty In addition to the right communication strategy, customer loyalty plays a crucial role. Long-term relationships with customers are built primarily through trust and reliability. But which factors are particularly important here?

Proactive communication and accessibility

Insurance agencies should communicate proactively with their customers on a regular basis. This means that they do not only contact them in the event of a claim or for contracts. They also inform their customers in quieter times. For example, about new products, legal changes or savings opportunities. This type of proactive communication with customers shows that the insurance company is also there for the customer outside of acute concerns and helps to address dissatisfied customers in good time and strengthen their loyalty.

Personalisation of the customer approach

Customers want to be perceived as individuals, not just as a number in the customer database. Local insurance offices can build close relationships with their customers. They use personalised measures to build customer loyalty. These include birthday greetings, personalised insurance proposals and reminders about policy renewals. These measures help to ensure customer loyalty. This is how they ensure the loyalty of their customers.

Customer loyalty factors: What makes the difference?

While neo-insurers often focus on price and efficiency, local insurance agencies can utilise other factors. These factors strengthen customer loyalty:

  • Trust: A local insurance office is physically present and tangible. Customers know who they can turn to in the event of a problem.
  • Transparency: Direct and open customer communication promotes customer trust. Questions can be clarified quickly and misunderstandings avoided.
  • Flexibility: Online portals often have fixed processes. However, a local office can respond flexibly to customer requests. Empathy: Empathetic communication is important for sensitive issues such as insurance claims. It helps to retain customers in the long term.


Local insurance agencies have an advantage. Despite the competition from neo-insurers and online portals, the human factor remains important. This personal contact is the big advantage for local insurance offices. Through modern customer communication on channels such as WhatsApp and video calls, local offices can retain customers. A personal and proactive approach also helps to attract new customers. Long-term customer loyalty is strengthened above all through trust, transparency and flexibility - factors that are often neglected in the digital world.

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Lara Dogan
Lara Dogan
Growth Lead, Superchat
Lara is particularly interested in the use of technology in marketing and in communications to improve the customer experience. She is the Growth Lead at Superchat.
Contact Lara Dogan