Free Online Course in Marketing on WhatsApp Business

  • Linus Scheibe
  • 1/3/2024
  • 6 min reading time

The environment of marketing is changing rapidly, creating new careers in digital marketing. Forward-thinking marketers should definitely take a closer look at WhatsApp Business in their search for new channels and tools.

WhatsApp marketing tools like Superchat offer a wide range of opportunities for businesses: newsletters, click-to-chat ads, web chats and automations. This article gives you a free online course in marketing on WhatsApp Business.

What is Marketing on WhatsApp Business?

WhatsApp marketing can be seen as a collective term. It includes various tools based on the messenger that can be used for marketing in digital media.

WhatsApp Newsletter to reach out to several of your WhatsApp contacts at the same time.

Click to chat ads on Facebook and Instagram with WhatsApp as your landing page.

Web Chat with WhatsApp Business as an intuitive way for website visitors to get in touch.

WhatsApp marketing automation for automated messages based on events in business system.

In this free online course in marketing on WhatsApp Business, you will learn how to successfully adapt to the new way of making careers in digital marketing. Below you can find individual guides for each of the WhatsApp marketing tools.

Basic reasons for marketing on WhatsApp

The way in which businesses communicate with their customers is changing. While the telephone and email were once the most popular communication channels, more and more people are using popular messenger services to get in touch.

The big winner in this trend is meta's messaging app WhatsApp. Over 2 billion people worldwide use the channel regularly. In the UK alone, it reaches over 40 million people. In addition to its huge reach, the messenger offers other benefits from a marketing perspective.

The key is that messages arrive as pop-ups directly on people's smartphones. As a consequence, they are almost always clicked, resulting in open rates of over 90% and response rates of up to 20%. What's more, WhatsApp doesn't have a spam folder where marketing messages can get lost.

This also increases the speed at which recipients respond. On average, WhatsApp users reply to a text message within 90 seconds. This high responsiveness increases the chances of engaging customers in organic conversations.

Conditions for the start of marketing on WhatsApp

WhatsApp Business is expanding several features to serve as a modern marketing tool. However, there are several reasons why businesses should use WhatsApp marketing tools such as Superchat that communicate via the official WhatsApp Business API.

On the one hand, communication via the official API is required to use WhatsApp Business GDPR-compliant. This is a critical factor for users to trust the communication channel.

On the other hand, messaging platforms such as Superchat offer extensive features to make the use of WhatsApp marketing tools as convenient as possible. As well as the possibility of integrating other channels and establishing a successful cross-channel communication.

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WhatsApp Newsletter: Free Online Course in Marketing

The WhatsApp Newsletter is a driving force in changing the environment of marketing. Its advantages over traditional email marketing are enormous. And they're key to WhatsApp marketing's huge potential for businesses.

The WhatsApp Newsletter is a great way to reach a large number of people at the same time via WhatsApp Business.

The format is similar to email marketing in many ways. With the right tools, you can create attractive templates, segment and select your contacts, and schedule the mailing in advance.

WhatsApp newsletters can also include extensive opportunities for direct interaction. For example, links, suggested responses, schedulers and so on.

Send a WhatsApp Newsletter with Superchat

  1. Create or choose a WhatsApp Newsletter template,
  2. Select your target audience,
  3. Send or schedule your WhatsApp Newsletter.

Click through our short WhatsApp Newsletter demo. Mobile is best viewed in horizontal format.

WhatsApp Click to Chat Ads: Free Online Course in Marketing

WhatsApp click to chat ads are an innovative way to turn a modern messenger service like WhatsApp into your landing page. You can quickly and easily engage customers in organic sales conversations.

With Meta Business Suite, you can easily create Facebook and Instagram ads that redirect to your WhatsApp when clicked. Simply set the WhatsApp click to chat option.

WhatsApp marketing tools like Superchat make it easier to track the origin of new chat participants and segment contacts, simplifying lead qualification and teamwork.

Create a WhatsApp click to chat ad with Meta Business Suite

Click through our short WhatsApp click to chat ads demo. Mobile is best viewed in horizontal format.

WhatsApp Web Chat: Free Online Course in Marketing

A web chat with WhatsApp Business integration can dramatically increase the generation of customer enquiries and leads through your website.

Why? The willingness to make contact is 11 times higher when using the modern channels of communication.

Place your WhatsApp Web Chat on high traffic pages and increase your conversion rate. Ultimately, this will boost your sales.

Create a WhatsApp Web Chat with Superchat

Below is an example of what a WhatsApp web chat on your website could look like. For more information on setting up your web chat, click here.


WhatsApp Automations: Free Online Course in Marketing

In general, automation is a useful way to improve customer experience and processes while saving resources. This can give you a decisive competitive advantage and offers new careers for digital marketing. There are two ways to automate your WhatsApp marketing processes.

Automate WhatsApp Marketing with the Superchat Chatbot

WhatsApp bots can help you create unique customer experiences. For example, automated conversations make it much easier to segment audiences. For businesses, it gets even easier to send tailored WhatsApp newsletters about product updates or special offers.

You can easily create your own WhatsApp bot using Superchat's intuitive modular system. Without any code. You don't need developers or IT resources to build your chatbot. For more information, visit our Video Guide on YouTube.

QR WhatsApp Bot Demo UK Blog.png

Automate WhatsApp Marketing with Superchat's Zapier Integration

You can use Superchat and Zapier to send automated WhatsApp messages based on business events in your CRM, marketing automation or shop system. For example, after:

  • A new lead is created in your CRM
  • A new purchase is made in your online store
  • A new appointment is booked in your calendar
  • And much more!

Conclusion: Pros and Cons of Marketing on WhatsApp Business

Is WhatsApp suitable for your environment of marketing in digital media?

Target audiences use the messenger every day for personal communication with friends and family. This has several advantages for business marketing on WhatsApp.

At the same time, the modern messenger requires some rethinking. The channel is different from traditional channels such as email.

Both aspects should be taken into account before setting WhatsApp marketing up in your company.

Benefit 1: High open rates

People open WhatsApp dozens of times a day. Messages also appear on the lock screen of smartphones. This results in high open rates.

These can reach up to 98% with the right message design.

Benefit 2: High response rates

Replies include not only text messages in chat. It also involves clicks on buttons within a message that take you to a website, for example.

According to the Superchat Messaging Report, industry-wide response rates are up to 20%.

Benefit 3: Easy campaign design

WhatsApp campaign messages and design are standardized and therefore easy to set up. Templates are typically created in minutes.

Providers such as Superchat offer various options for designing and customizing your WhatsApp marketing messages. For example, you can add images, videos, PDFs or buttons.

Challenge 1: Chargeable communication channel

Meta charges for WhatsApp conversations. These are charged across all messaging platforms.

A WhatsApp conversation typically lasts 24 hours. During this time, you can exchange WhatsApp messages for free. For more information, see our article on WhatsApp API pricing.

With such a cost structure, Meta aims to ensure the above qualities of the messenger for businesses.

The experience of our 1,200 customers and partners shows that the benefits far outweigh the costs.

Challenge 2: No advertising

Advertising on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn is one of the most important tools for marketing managers.

WhatsApp itself does not allow advertising besides click to chat ads. The only and very useful alternative is the WhatsApp Newsletter. It allows you to reach a large number of contacts simultaneously via WhatsApp.

Challenge 3: Increased sensitivity

WhatsApp is used to communicate with friends and family. The messenger is an integral part of everyday communication.

As a result, the channel offers businesses high open and response rates. But only with quality and relevant content. WhatsApp can be a double-edged sword.

If you invade this private space with a multitude of impersonal and irrelevant messages, your brand can be damaged more than in a direct comparison with email campaigns.

Your target audience is more sensitive to corporate messages on WhatsApp.

Messaging platforms allow you to use contact attributes to segment recipients into appropriate groups and develop relevant content.

FAQ: Marketing on WhatsApp

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Linus Scheibe
Linus Scheibe
Marketing Manager, Superchat
Linus is Marketing Manager at Superchat and is responsible for various content formats. He is also very familiar with the start-up scene.